Eero Keranen

Eero is a local teacher since 1987, a Junior Australian record holder, winner of State, National and World veterans titles and continues to share his enthusiasm with all club members today.
He was the original head trainer for the Tuesday night track sessions, and co-ordinated all the sessions solo.
Eero has been paramount to the athletes training and always someone who is great to bounce any running or fitness questions at.
Eero is a life member since 2018, and wears number 2 bib in handicap races.
The club’s origins are from England, a club called Serpentine, which exhibits all the attributes that Hobsons Bay Running Club displays now. It’s where Eero met Sara, and they thought this type of club would be successful in Australia.
From the foundation meeting in June, 1994 the club has gone from strength to strength and continues to be a social club with a running problem!
The Hobsons Bay Running Club was created by Eero and Sara Keranen’s concept of the London based club , Serpentine.
The Serpentine club has a monthly handicap( the main corner stone), a newsletter, training sessions, food outings and racing various competitions. The concept was a winner!
The first meeting was on the 16th June 1994, with the following people in attendance; Eero, Sara, Terry Phelan, Angela Altair, David Walker, Sue Walker, Ted Joy, Philip Nash, Dorothy McManus and John Condon. (Newsletter 1/94, 25th June 1994)
The original office bearers were elected after the September 24th 1994 Handicap Run. (Newsletter 15/94, 1st October 1994)
The following were duly elected; President: Eero, Secretary: Susan Walker, Treasurer: Rosa Kalka, and Publicity Officers: Philip Nash and Eero.
The first handicap was held on 30th July, 1994 and published results, were in the Newsletter 7/94, 6th August 1994.
The hand printed weekly newsletter was now being typed by Philip Nash, 16/94 8th October 1994, and the first “points” Handicap began on 28th January, 1995 at 8.00am.
And the rest is history!